Page 1 - Talk of Tequesta - October '24
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                                                                                                                                         WEST PALM BCH
                                                                                                                                        PERMIT NO.2075

                                                                               PEACEFUL, FRIENDLY, COMMUNITY ATMOSPHERE

        VOL. 27 NO. 10                                                                           OCTOBER  2024

                                                            TequesTa sPoTlighT

           2024 Stuart Air Show To Feature Local Food Trucks,

                                STEM Scavenger Hunt, Drone Show,

                        And A-10 Demo Team’s Final Performance

        The 2024 Stuart Air Show,                                                   This year introduces a community
      set for November 8 to 10                                                    favorite:  local food trucks!
      at Martin County Airport/                                                   Attendees can enjoy a variety of
      Witham Field, is gearing                                                    mouthwatering options, from savory
      up to be an action-packed                                                   barbecue to fresh seafood, gourmet
      weekend for families  and                                                   street food, and desserts. As you
      aviation lovers.  With new                                                  watch the aerial performances and
      attractions  like local  food                                               explore static displays, the food
      trucks, a kid-friendly STEM                                                 trucks will provide the perfect fuel
      Scavenger Hunt, a dazzling                                                  for an exciting day.
      drone show, and the final performance of the A-10 Thunderbolt II Demo Team, this year’s
      event promises to be the biggest yet.                                       Tequesta Spotlight on page 6

                            ChariTy evenT                                                           TequesTa Profile

              Tequesta Chili Cook-Off                                                             Athletes Race For

         To Spice Up Veteran Support                                                      Tampa General Hospital

      With Unforgettable Celebration                                                         Loggerhead Triathlon

        Details – 2 to 6 p.m., on                                                    More than 400 athletes from
      November 9, at One Main                                                      across  the  country  gathered  in
      Street in Tequesta                                                           Jupiter, Fla., for the Tampa General
        Get ready for a sizzling day                                               Hospital Loggerhead Triathlon on
      of fun, flavors, and heartfelt                                               Saturday, August 24. Hundreds of
      tributes at the 13th Annual                                                  spectators attended to support the
      Tequesta Chili Cook-Off!                                                     athletes as they made their way
        The Tequesta Chili Cook- Chili. Photo by Liz McKinley                      through the challenging race.
      Off is an annual fundraising  Photography                                      First held in 1985, the event has
      event dedicated to celebrating                                               become a must on the Southeast
      local flavor and community spirit while supporting veterans’                                                Julie Brown, Debbie Pingue, Becky Mitchell
      charities.  With a blend of culinary competition, live
      entertainment, and charitable giving, the cook-off has become
      a cherished tradition in Tequesta, bringing together people to
      honor and support our nation’s heroes. This year’s cook-off is  Joe Namath Foundation.
                                                        Photo  by  Liz  McKinley
      Charity Event on page 4                           Photography

                                                                                    Dr. Ahmed Elhaddad, Tim Burke
                                                                                                                  Bernardo Neto, Lauren Neto, Jon Colclasure,
                                                                                    Tequesta Profile on page 3    Charlotte Emilia
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