Page 1 - PGA Community News - August '24
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VOL. 34 NO. 8                                    FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                        AUGUST 2024

       PGA POA Communication Corner

      Submitted by Gail Coppage,                        now late, and interest will be added to your assessment   for both Condos and HOAs. Please find this information and
      PGA POA Communications                            that no longer can be waived.  Please contact the PGA POA   detail on the POA Website under the Documents & Forms
      Committee                                         office at (561) 627-2800 if you have not yet paid your 2024   heading.
         Welcome to the hot,                            assessment.  Thank you to those residents who have made   Turtle Time
      hazy, lazy days of August in                      their annual assessment payments!                     In our area, there are predominantly three species of pond
      South Florida!                                    Great News About The Playground                    turtles: Softshell, Yellow-Bellied and Snapping Turtles.  Females
      Hot Heat!                                            You may have noticed work being done on the two   emerge from ponds every spring and summer (sometimes also
         Here we are in the middle                      playgrounds in July. The long-awaited swing set replacement   in fall) to find a spot to lay their eggs, then returning to the pond.
      of the summer in South                            at Burwick Park and Marlwood Park have been installed! Both   All three species have webbed feet and claws.
      Florida, enjoying the sun,                        parks were closed in July to install the playground equipment.        Softshell turtles are almost fully aquatic, preferring muddy,
      heat, afternoon thunderstorms                     Materials were delivered to both parks for the installation of   shallow bodies of water, with a thin snout which helps it to
      and constant weather updates                      the new swings.  We are all so excited that the playground   breathe while partially submerged in search of prey or hiding
      about tropical storms and potential hurricane action.  Are you   equipment will be fully operational in August.  Thank you to   from predators. The dark brownish-grey body color helps as
      a new resident to our PGA National community?  Are you   the POA for moving forward with this purchase and installation   camouflage. The female is generally 9 to 11 inches long, and
      new to South Florida?  If so, please note that keeping track of   and thank you to parents and residents for your continued   both males and females can live up to 50 years in the wild.
      the weather each day is important.  Whether walking, biking,   patience during these months of waiting for the new swings!  The softshell turtle’s most identifiable feature is its “pipestem”
      playing pickleball or tennis, or taking kids to summer camp,   Sidewalk Courtesy                     snout. The yellow-bellied slider turtle (originally native to
      make sure you have access to checking the weather forecast      Another great feature of PGA National are the miles of   North Florida) is now found in South Florida. The rough
      when outside.  Even our pets need to stay cool, protected and   sidewalks that we share and enjoy together.  Having a wide,   carapace (upper shell) is marked with prominent yellow bars
      hydrated.  Bring water with you when outside, wear a hat,   walkable sidewalk in PGA National offers a great opportunity   on each side and a yellow patch behind each eye, and the
      cooling bandana and if possible, take advantage of workouts   for us to stay fit and healthy.  Please be courteous of our fellow   slider’s belly is usually bright yellow.  The slider can grow to
      early or late in the day.  The beauty of South Florida is that   residents, visitors and guests, including of course the sand   a size of about 11 inches and live up to 30 years in the wild.
      you can watch the clouds roll in from the west or east, feel the   cranes, rabbits, geckos and ibis.  If you are walking or biking   The snapping turtle is identified by its bulky build, craggy,
      wind kicking up in the trees and the birds suddenly becoming   and there is someone in front of you, that person may not hear   textured carapace (upper shell), and sharp, prominent beak.
      quieter.  Staying informed and protected will protect you and   you because he or she is wearing headphones.  Calling out “on   Unlike the softshell and the slider, it cannot completely retract
      your family and friends.                          your left or on your right” will go a long way to avoiding a mid-  its head into its shell. It has a large head with a sharp hooked
      Assessment Reminder                               collision on the sidewalk, as well as not startling the person in   upper jaw. Males are typically larger and heavier than females.
         The Annual PGA POA assessment was due July 1 in the   front of you.  We are grateful to live in such a beautiful natural   Snapping turtles have an extremely long and mobile neck.
      amount of $915.  You should have received the notice in   habitat and setting.                       During breeding season, snapping turtles can be aggressive
      the mail regarding payment.  As of August 1, if you haven’t   Laws And Changes
      yet paid your annual POA assessment, the assessment is      There have been a number of changes to Florida Statutes   PGA POA Communication Corner on page 4
      Commissioner’s Update

      Making Dollars And Cents Of                           To further understand your tax bill, you can visit the   number of districts depending on whether they are in a
      Your Tax Bill                                      property appraiser’s website at  municipality or unincorporated areas. Some areas, such
                                                                                                           as Jupiter or Juno, may have an additional line item for
                                                         htm. By clicking on the tax link (property tax detail), you
                                                         will see a detailed breakdown of the taxes collected from   fire/rescue services because those services are provided
      By Vice Mayor                                      various districts that provide services to residents. For   by the county instead of the municipality.
      Maria G. Marino                                    instance, using the example on page 2 of a homesteaded
         It’s that time of year                          house with the taxable value of $351,123 ($376,123 for   Commissioner’s Update on page 2
      when the Board of County                           school  district  items)  and
      Commissioners begins the                           the millage rate of 4.5, you
      budgeting process for Fiscal                       will be paying $4.5 per           Cars And Bicycles
      Year (FY) 2025 and sets the                        $1,000, totaling $1,580.05.
      millage rate for Palm Beach                           With our example, there
      County. The current county                         are 13 taxing districts under   Yield To Pedestrians
      millage rate is 4.5, which                         ad valorem taxes for this
      represents the amount of                           homesteaded  property
      tax payable per dollar of                          in Palm Beach Gardens.       Bicycles are permitted on sidewalks but bicyclists
      the assessed value of a property. A mill is derived from   Each district sets its own   riding on the sidewalk should yield to the right-of-way of
      the Latin word “millesimum,” meaning thousandth. In   millage rate, and properties   any pedestrians and need to give an audible signal before
      property tax terms, 1 mill equals $1 in property tax levied   in different areas of the   overtaking and passing a pedestrian.
      per $1,000 of a property’s assessed value.         county will have a varying
                                                                                      Pedestrians pressing the button at the crosswalk
                                                                                   will cause warning lights to flash at 3 locations in PGA
                                                                                   National. If you are driving and see the pedestrian sign
                                                                                   flashing the warning, please yield to those crossing!
                                                                                      Cyclists are required to follow the same traffic laws as
                                                                                   cars when riding on the roadway. Cyclists using sidewalks
                                                                                   must be courteous to pedestrians sharing those sidewalks!

                                                                                      Thanks for helping to keep our residents safe.
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