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Our Village Voice

        VOL. 35 NO. 7                                                                                  JULY 2024

      Northern Notes                                                                                        Bill’s Box

      Alligators And Rattlesnakes
      And Their Importance In                                                                               By Bill Thompson
                                                                                                              Well, hello there…
      Preserves                                                                                               What’s happening in
                                                                                                            our paradise today? This
      By Katie Roundtree,                                                                                   is  Our Village Voice
      Director of Finance and                                                                               coming to you from
      Administration, Northern                                                                              Lake Bend Drive. With
      Palm Beach County                                                                                     me today is one wife,
      Improvement District                                Alligators are not just members of their ecosystems   Dawn Marie, and one
        Northern’s preserve areas                       but keystone species that play a unique and crucial role. A   dog, Harley Two.
      are designed to preserve and                      keystone species is an organism that helps define an entire     Before I forget, there is an app on my iPhone 14 called
      conserve native ecosystems,                       ecosystem. Without its keystone species, the ecosystem would   Soothing Pod. It is a well-crafted short-guided meditation
      and the American alligator                        be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether. Alligators,   that you may want to try. It is simple in practice and
      and the Eastern diamondback                       with their deep depressions, or gator holes, that collect fresh   soothing in relieving stress or troublesome thoughts.
      rattlesnake are essential                         water during dry spells, serve as refuges for aquatic life, and     Where did everybody go…
      members of that community.                        supply fresh water and food for many animals when water     School let out in June. The kids were busy being
        The American alligator, North America’s largest reptile,   is scarce, are a prime example of this. Their large nesting   busy. Suddenly, it seemed, the street was empty. The
      has no natural predators except humans. This species has   mounds provide nesting and feeding sites for herons and egrets.   long-awaited summer family trips happened. No one,
      been around for about 200 million years and has adapted to   Alligators also eat large numbers of gar (a predatory fish) and   anywhere. A little reminiscent of the old western ghost
      numerous changes in the Earth’s environmental conditions.   thus help maintain populations of game fish such as bass and   towns when the gold was all taken. Just this morning
      Their existence was threatened when hunters began killing   bream. They also prey on invasive species, helping the native   early, I saw one of those nice rolling homes was being
      large numbers of these animals for their exotic meat and   species survive. As alligators move from gator holes to nesting   packed.
      their supple belly skin, used to make shoes, belts and   mounds, they help keep areas of open water free of invading     After 40 some years of frequent traveling by
      pocketbooks. Other people considered alligators to be useless   vegetation. Without these ecosystem services, freshwater   plane and car, I have become rather complacent with
      and dangerous and hunted them for sport or out of hatred.   ponds and shrubs and trees would fill in coastal wetlands in   staying put. Common thought is that you ought to get
      Between 1950 and 1960, hunters wiped out 90 percent of   the alligator’s habitat, and dozens of species would disappear.   it in gear and go someplace different, interesting and
      the alligators in Louisiana, and by the 1960s, the alligator                                          pleasurable. Something different. I agree, but just
      population in the Florida Everglades was also near extinction.  Northern Notes on page 2              haven’t gotten around to it. Dawn and I talk about it.
                                                                                                            What are we waiting for? Too many choices on the
      Commissioner’s Update                                                                                 bucket list. Well, what the hell. Anywhere would be
                                                                                                            somewhere. We are serious this time. One day soon,
                                                                                                            we hope, Dawn will complete her executor duties in
      Tips To Beat The Heat In                          avoid excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol, as   tying up her deceased father’s estate. His trust was
                                                        they can lead to dehydration. Access to additional fluids
                                                                                                            poorly drafted. The hurricane that took out Sanibel
      Palm Beach County                                 that contain electrolytes are recommended when working   right after Mr. Clemons died also took out the house
                                                        out in the heat for more than two hours.            in the estate. That and selling off several rental homes
      By Vice Mayor Maria G.                              Stay cool. Avoid direct sunlight and long exposure   in the trust brought on a long nightmare with bankers,
      Marino                                            to the sun. Spend time in air-conditioned environments.   attorneys, realtors, clearing the condemned home,
        As Palm Beach County                            If you do not have access to air conditioning, consider   utilities and impatient neighbors who want the house
      grapples with record-breaking                     visiting public buildings or public spaces with shade.   wreckage removed. When Dawn’s burdens are lifted,
      temperatures, residents and                       Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, and light-colored clothing   she may have to go to a rest home before a vacation.
      visitors alike are seeking                        to help your body regulate its temperature. Protect your   One alternative is a return to Savanna, Ga. Historic,
      effective strategies to stay                      head and face with a wide-brimmed hat and use sunscreen   grand gardens, peaceful spacious parts for walking
      cool and safe.                                    to prevent sunburn. Minimize outdoor activities during   and wonderful restaurants.
        Multiple times this year,                       the hottest parts of the day. If you must be outside, take
      The  National Weather                             frequent breaks in shaded areas and avoid strenuous   Bill’s Box on page 3
      Service has issued heat                           physical exertion.
      advisories forecasting high                         Check on vulnerable individuals. Keep an eye
      temperatures and humidity that pose health risks and   on  elderly  neighbors,  young  children,  and  individuals
      has urged residents to take necessary precautions and   with pre-existing health conditions,  as  they  are more
      follow safety measures. With temperatures soaring and   susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Ensure they have
      heat indexes reaching dangerous levels, it is important to   access to a cool environment and sufficient hydration.                  June 16
      prioritize the well-being of individuals and communities.    Never leave children, vulnerable individuals, or pets
        The Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach County   unattended in a vehicle. Temperatures inside a parked
      recommends the following safety measures to minimize the   car can rise rapidly, even with the windows slightly open,
      risk of heat-related illnesses and emergencies:   and can be life- threatening.
        Stay hydrated. Hydration is key to maintaining your
      health during extreme heat. Drink plenty of water and   Commissioner’s Update on page 3

                                                                                      REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY IMMEDIATELY

                                                                                          TO THE JUPITER POLICE DEPARTMENT
                                                                                                           (561) 799-4445

                                                                                                 Use 911 for emergencies only. Lock car doors.
                                                                                                       Do not leave valuables in the car.
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