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VOL. 16 NO. 7                                                                                  JULY 2024

      2024 Annual Valor And Community Service Awards

        Hundreds gathered in attendance this morning to   area resonated deeply with the audience, who responded
      celebrate and recognize our local first responders in   with enthusiastic applause and appreciation for their
      Palm Beach North at the Annual Valor and Community   bravery and dedication.
      Service Awards put on by the Palm Beach North Chamber
      of Commerce. Commissioner Maria Marino opened the
      program with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the
      presentation of colors by the Village of North Palm Beach
      Honor Guard. It was a heartfelt event honoring those who
      serve our community. Driver Engineer Timothy Hewitt
      and Officer James Lovett received the Community Service
      Award, recognizing their exceptional dedication. Fire
      Medics Fred Vaccaro and Frank Rossi were also honored
      with Community Service Awards for their outstanding
      service. The highlight of the ceremony was the Call of the
      Year Award, given to Officer Kevin Sales-Lopez, Officer
      Christian Wyatt, and Sergeant Joseph Counihan. Their   Commissioner Maria Marino,                    District Chief Scott Freseman, Fire Medic Frank Rossi, Fire
      impactful story of preventing a mass school shooting in the   Chase Bauer  Commissioner Maria Marino  Medic Fred Vaccaro, Nicole Sidaway, Noel Martinez
      BallenIsles Country Club Hosts

      FLCMAA Seminole Region Charity Golf Tournament

      Charity  Tournament And Marathon Golf Events      16.5 acres of practice grounds and ‘71 Learning Center, an     BallenIsles Country Club last hosted the FLCMAA
      Combined Anticipated To Raise More Than $1 Million,   18-hole golf tournament on the Club’s East Course and a   Seminole Region’s charity golf tournament in its infancy
      Bringing The Total Since Inception To Over $10 Million   dinner/meet the charities event to conclude the day. With   some 24 years ago. Since then, the group has raised over $10
      For Local Charities                               40-plus  sponsors  and  more  than  100  golf  participants,   million, including closing in on $1 million from the 2024
        BallenIsles Country Club in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.,   the tournament benefited nine local charities, including   charity golf tournament and marathon golf events this year.
      recently hosted the Florida Club Management Association   Special Olympics Florida, SOS Children’s Village, George     “Anytime you can pull our industry together to provide
      of America (FLCMAA) Seminole Region Charity Golf   Snow Scholarship Fund, Fuller Center, First Tee of the   to charitable organizations, especially for children, we will
      Tournament. Held on Monday, June 3, the event included   Palm Beaches, 4KIDS, Caring Children Clothing Children
      a vendor showcase, brunch, golf activities on BallenIsles’   Inc., Boca School of Autism and Junior Achievement.  BallenIsles Country Club on page 3
      Sloane Staffing’s

      Annual Charity Golf Tournament Raises $32,000

      For The Golden Cub

      Ambassador’s Club, Advancing
      Children’s Healthcare

      By Cailyn Ghara
        Award-winning international recruitment firm Sloane
      Staffing is proud to announce that their annual charity golf
      tournament successfully raised $32,000 for the Golden
      Cub Ambassador’s Club, a vital initiative of the Nicklaus
      Children’s Health Care Foundation.
        The annual Sloane Staffing charity golf tournament                                                 The Spanier Family
      began in 2020 as a heartfelt initiative by Founders Max and
      Lindsey Spanier to give back to their community. Since its                                           on May 10 at the picturesque Madison Green Country
      inception, the tournament has grown in popularity and impact,   The Sloane Staffing Team             Club in Royal Palm Beach, Fla. The event featured an
                                                                                                           18-hole shotgun start, a delicious catered lunch, a silent
                                                                                 drawing support from local   auction, a raffle and more. Over 100 golfers and volunteers
                                                                                 businesses and individuals.   participated, enjoying a day filled with fun and camaraderie,
                                                                                 Alongside their dedicated   all supporting a noble cause.
                                                                                 team of 10 employees, the     The Golden Cub Ambassador’s Club, founded by
                                                                                 Spaniers organize this event   Christie Nicklaus, the granddaughter of golf legend Jack
                                                                                 each year to fund programs   Nicklaus, engages individuals aged 21 to 45 in supporting
                                                                                 and projects focused on the   the foundation’s mission to advance children’s healthcare
                                                                                 health  and  well-being  of   both locally and globally.
                                                                                 children and families. This
                                                                                 year’s tournament was held   Sloane Staffing’s Golf Tournament on page 5
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