Page 1 - PGA Community News - March '24
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VOL. 34 NO. 3                                    FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                         MARCH 2024

       PGA POA Communication Corner

      Submitted by Gail Coppage                         are thrilled that the Cognizant Classic was hosted by the   vehicles, it is important that we each recognize just how
      PGA POA Communications                            PGA National Resort this year, and we welcome all new   many vehicles come through PGA National each day.
      Committee                                         visitors.                                             With PGA National serving about 40 communities,
      Happy March and Happy                             Congratulations and Best Wishes                    and seasonal residents and guests back during the high
      Spring!                                              Congratulations and best wishes to the POA Board   season, traffic congestion is not a dream, it is a reality.
         Have you ever noticed                          members! Returning board members: Keith Ahronheim,   Tree Trimming on PGA Boulevard
      that South Florida also                           Mike Engelsher, Bob Kramer and Jim Kraus and new      Did you notice some tree trimming happening on PGA
      e xpe rie nce s spri ng                           board member Connie Goldberger will serve a two-year   Boulevard? The trees west of Ryder Cup Boulevard were
      weather? Aside from recent                        term on the POA Board.                             in serious need of trimming. The POA recently hired a
      rains and winds, the birds                           The results of the election of officers and the names of all   vendor to tackle this work and we are pleased that our own
      are chirping even more,                           nine members of the board will be posted on the PGA POA   “spring cleaning/clearing” will happen in this location.
      the sand cranes are out and                       website ( after the organizational meeting.  Running, Biking and Scooters
      about looking for mates, new buds on flowering trees   Traffic and Trucks                               With miles of roadways and so many residents and
      are blossoming and of course, the roads and restaurants      Spring is a time for cleaning and PGA National is   guests, activity is at an all-time high in PGA National.
      are still full of cars and people! Residents, families and   no exception. There are many contractors out and about   The POA wants to remind everyone to have reflectors on
      guests are enjoying the beautiful city of Palm Beach   cleaning roofs, driveways, pruning landscaping, adding   clothing or bikes and scooters when traveling within our
      Gardens and PGA National. Have you noticed a recent   new landscaping, and doing both interior and exterior   communities. We recognize that our area is a beautiful
      increase in many guests? The increase may be because of   work. What does that mean for PGA residents? Trucks,   spot for recreation, but please know if you are in the
      the Cognizant Classic, played at the PGA National Resort   trucks and more trucks. Many of our narrow roadways   roadways during peak, off-peak or even late night or very
      the week of February 26 through March 3. Many guests   within PGA National communities are difficult to traverse   early morning hours, be protected by wearing some type
      enjoy a few weeks or longer for a visit, golf, sightseeing   when there are multiple trucks parked in the roadways.  of reflective material so that you can be seen by drivers.
      or other recreation within PGA National and throughout      Please be sensitive to walking, biking and driving   We want you to remain healthy, happy and safe while in
      Palm Beach County. Please be careful driving and please   around these trucks.                       PGA National. Have fun, but please stay safe!
      have patience with drivers who may be unfamiliar with      While we remind PGA communities and their HOAs
      our roads and driving distances to area attractions. We   about the need for diligence regarding parking contractor
      Commissioner’s Update

      Beach Restoration Efforts In                      over 22 miles of beach and dune restoration projects for the   dune systems where natural recovery is not possible. The
                                                                                                           Singer Island Emergency Dune Restoration is 50 percent
                                                        benefit of tourists, residents and coastal property owners.
      Palm Beach County                                    Dunes are accumulations of wind-blown sand abutting   complete, focusing on protecting county construction
                                                        the beach. They are stabilized by salt tolerant native plants   accesses and publicly accessible beach areas. Coral Cove
      By Vice Mayor Maria                               that have deeply-penetrating, extensive root systems. As the   Emergency Dune Restoration will immediately follow
      Marino                                            plants become buried, new roots develop on the recently   completion of Singer Island and will focus on recovery
         Palm  Beach  County’s                          buried stems while new stems emerge from the sand. Dunes   of dune areas within the county park and adjacent public
      47-mile coastline is a                            help minimize erosion and protect coastal infrastructure   access areas. Coastal Resources Program staff are also
      playground for millions of                        from storm damage.                                 working with local Inlet Management District, municipal,
      residents and tourists each                          Recently you may have observed shoreline erosion.   state, and federal partners to facilitate restoration of
      year. Our beaches serve as                        Our beaches sustained moderate additional damage to a   affected major beach nourishment projects areas where
      one of the best defenses                          number of previously identified “hot spot” areas of erosion   appropriate.
      against wave damage                               through the end of 2023 as a result of repeated strong      The county’s dune restoration efforts are funded by a
      caused by winter storms                           frontal storm systems and their associated onshore winds.   portion of Tourist Development Council bed taxes which
      and hurricanes. However,                          Despite additional erosion to these localized areas, we have   are used as a local match for state and federal grant dollars
      the constant erosion of our                       observed natural recovery and sand accumulation over the   that are contingent on providing public access to the sandy
      beaches is an undeniable reality and maintaining the quality   past month as conditions have begun to normalize. These   beach area. The intent of our efforts are to maintain a
      and sustainability of beaches is of the highest importance.  limited periods of recovery are more typical to the county’s   beach and dune system using public dollars on a regional
         The Palm Beach County Department of Environmental   winter beach season and a number of positive indicators,   scale where historic development has impacted the natural
      Resources Management, through its Shoreline Enhancement   such as seaward accumulation of beach sand and significant   system’s ability to respond to erosion.
      and Restoration Program, builds environmentally-sensitive,   nearshore sandbar formation, are good indicators that sand      We hope and expect that recent observations of natural
      cost-effective projects to protect and restore the natural   perceivably lost to erosion in recent months is still present   recovery will continue as conditions normalize and the
      function of beaches and dunes. The department encourages   in the coastal system and will continue to facilitate natural   significant amount of sand within nearshore coastal waters
      improved sand management practices at inlets and promotes   recovery.                                finds its way back onto dry beach areas.
      the removal of non-native vegetation from sand dunes. Since      The worst-hit dune-only county project areas have      Your input on areas of concern is very helpful. As
      1989, Palm Beach County has participated in or constructed   emergency construction contracts in place to facilitate   always, please contact me if I can be of assistance at (561)
                                                                                  restoration  of  engineered   355-2201 or by email at
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