Page 21 - Abacoa Community News - July '22
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Abacoa, Page 21
      Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center

      Provides CPR Classes For The Community

         Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency      • Class time: 6 to 7:30 p.m.             cardiac arrest happen, call 9-1-1 right away, and then do
      procedure that can help save a person’s life if their breathing      • Local EMS will give a hands-only CPR demonstration   CPR until medical professionals arrive.
      or heart stops. You never know when you might need to know   and go over Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use.     Anyone can learn CPR. According to the American
      it, but CPR training is important, and it can save lives. If      •  Participants  will  have  the  opportunity  to  practice   Heart Association, most Americans are unable to perform
      someone is experiencing cardiac arrest, starting CPR within   their new skills using CPR mannequins.   CPR when there is a cardiac arrest victim either because
      minutes can be the difference between life and death. CPR      • Reservations are required.          it has been a long time since they practiced, or they don’t
      effectively keeps blood flowing and provides oxygen to      • Class is open to all ages, anyone under 18 must have   have the proper training required to perform CPR.
      the brain and other vital organs, giving the victim a better   adult supervision.                       By attending CPR classes, you’re not only equipped
      chance for a full recovery. Effective bystander CPR provided      • No certificate is provided.      with the right tools, but you also develop the confidence
      immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can double or triple      According  to  the Centers  for  Disease  Control  and   you need to become a lifesaver rather than a bystander.
      a victim’s chance of survival. Palm Beach Gardens Medical   Prevention, cardiac arrests often happen at home. About      To register for a CPR class, log on to https://www.
      Center has teamed up with Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue   350,000 cardiac arrests happen outside of hospitals each For more information on emergency
      to provide free monthly CPR classes for the community. The   year – and about seven in 10 of those happen at home.   services at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center, visit
      classes are held every third Tuesday of the month.   Unfortunately, about half of the people who experience
         • Classes will be held at Fire Station 61 – 4425 Burns   cardiac arrests at home don’t get the help they need from
      Road, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410.                bystanders before an ambulance arrives. If you see a

       Sri Lanka from page 20                               For all those world travelers who believe that they have   his family owned and operated agency, is located at Mirasol
                                                         “seen that, done that,” I suggest a visit to Sri Lanka. It’s sure   Town Square, 11360 North Jog Road, Building A, Suite 102-6,
      dark room protected by a wall of glass from floor to ceiling. The   to be an entirely new experience.  Palm Beach Gardens. The agency has been serving the travel
      bell cover protects the tooth from all eyes except those of kings      Don Kiselewski writes from his personal experiences,   needs of the South Florida area for over a quarter of a century.
      and other high personages. The “Emerald of Kandy,” known the   having traveled in 122 countries and cruised the oceans, seas   Contact him at (561) 694-9696 or
      world over for its size and luster, hangs from the tail feather of   and rivers of the world. Palm Beach Gardens Travel Leaders,   Photos by Don Kiselewski
      a solid silver peacock that stands over the shrine.

      A group of Buddhist monks wearing traditional orange robes   A pair of daring performers in the Esala Perahera, a
      in Galle, Sri Lanka. Galle is home of Fort Shri Sudarmalaya   Buddhist festival in Kandy, Sri Lanka, that worships the   Bathing elephants from the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage
      Buddist Temple.                                    Relic of the Tooth                                in Pinnawala, Sri Lanka

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