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VOL. 13 NO. 9                                                                          SEPTEMBER 2023

      Community Contributes Record $55 Million to

      Jewish Federation to Address Rising Affordability

      Concerns, Antisemitism, and Growing Population

         One of the largest nonprofits in Palm Beach County, Jewish   the community. Additionally, multi-year commitments have   impact by creating new endowments at Federation’s William A.
      Federation of Palm Beach County announced that several   positioned Federation and its network of partners to plan for   Meyer Jewish Community Foundation. These commitments,
      thousands of local community members contributed a record   tomorrow. For its many accomplishments, Federation is a   amounting to nearly $26 million, will unfold in the long term as
      $55 million during the organization’s 2023 campaign year,   nominee for Nonprofit First’s coveted Hats Off Large Nonprofit   they are funded by donors’ estates.
      marking a tremendous 31 percent increase from $42 million in   of the Year award.                       Federation also reports an increase in targeted giving to
      2022. This remarkable growth in donations signifies Federation’s      Considered the local Jewish community’s central philanthropic   partner organizations, Federation programs, and emergency
      commitment to addressing diverse and growing needs, both   organization and “City Hall,” Federation continues to focus on   relief campaigns. Notably, nearly 50 percent of contributions to
      local and global, as well as the Palm Beach Jewish community’s   future planning. This commitment is reflected in our prioritizing   the 2023 annual campaign came from women who generously
      significant recent and anticipated population growth.   multi-year giving to enhance future Annual Campaigns, which   support Federation through Women’s Philanthropy.
         The 2023 Campaign saw a notable increase in people   saw a remarkable 75 percent increase compared to the previous      “This astounding amount, contributed in such a short period
      creating new endowments, solidifying enduring support for   year. Federation is also providing opportunities to make a lasting   of time, is truly a testament to the dedication and generosity of
                                                                                                           Jewish Palm Beach,” shared Michael Hoffman, president and
      $1.2 Million Allocated for Mental                                                                    CEO, Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County. “As we are in

      Health Services in South Florida                                                                     Community Contributes Record $55 Million on page 2

         Florida State Sen. Shevrin Jones and Florida State Rep.                                            Judea Sisterhood
      Mike Caruso collaborated for the second consecutive year to
      secure $1,200,000 in funding for the Jewish Family Services                                           Studies Women
      Affordable Behavioral Health Collaboration, which includes
      Ferd & Gladys Alpert Jewish Family Service (Alpert JFS),
      Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services (Rales JFS),                                               in Torah
      Goodman Jewish Family Services (Goodman JFS), and Jewish
      Community Services of South Florida (JCS). The Tri-County
      Jewish Family Services Mental Health Collaboration, which was                                            More than 50 women joined the Sisterhood Summer
      created last year, will utilize the funding to serve low-income,                                      Social and participated in Temple Judea’s first class
      underprivileged individuals in Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm   Danielle Hartman  Marc Hopin           of the year-long series Women in the Torah, taught by
      Beach counties with mental healthcare.                                                                Rabbi Rose Durbin.
         For the second consecutive year, these funds will provide   need will receive care. The target demographic for the initiative
      mental health services to 420 new low-income people dealing   is low-income, underprivileged individuals who are uninsured
      with mental health challenges or crises. This number represents   or underinsured and unable to pay the costs associated with
      an increase over the current year of 20 percent or 6,720 additional   receiving mental healthcare. Funding will enable all four
      visits/service hours. According to Mental Health America, Florida   agencies to hire additional qualified clinicians who have
      ranks 48th nationwide on access to mental health care. The study   specialized training in areas such as trauma, domestic violence,
      also reported that 633,000 Florida adults with mental illness and   substance use, and LGBTQ+.
      116,000 youth with depression had unmet treatment needs.    “We are pleased to collaborate once again with our JFS
         “Mental health is not a partisan issue, it impacts everyone,”   partners for this Tri-County Mental Health initiative, which will
      said Caruso. “We cannot afford to bury our heads in the sand   provide our communities with much-needed affordable access to
      and ignore the problem because it is not going away and I am   mental health care,” said Marc Hopin, CEO of Alpert JFS. “At
      more than grateful to these agencies for the hard work they do   Alpert JFS, we continue to see huge increases in people coming
      every single day.”                                to us with mental health needs, many of whom, without our
         “I am so pleased to be a part of this tremendous coalition   agency’s help, are unable to afford these services. Thanks to the
      and help in any way I can,” said Jones. “It’s refreshing to see   support and advocacy of our legislative champions, our agency
      agencies come to us in the legislature with innovative and   and its partners will be able to reach and respond to thousands
      progressive ways to address critical issues in our communities.”  of additional people experiencing a mental health crisis.”
         With over $1 million in funding, the agencies will be able      “I want to thank our legislative champions. We are so
      to offer a sliding scale fee structure to ensure that all clients in   fortunate to have such strong advocates of our programs
                                                                                 in the state Legislature that
                                                                                 are  once  again  committing
                                                                                 to  serve  low-income  and
                                                                                 underprivileged individuals
                                                                                 in  South  Florida,”  added
                                                                                 Danielle Hartman, president
                                                                                 and  CEO  of  Rales  JFS.
                                                                                 “These dollars will be life-
                                                                                 changing for so many who
                                                                                 would otherwise go without   Judea Sisterhood Studies on page 6
                                                                                 critical services.”
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