Page 1 - The Shores of Jupiter - July '23
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Our Village Voice

        VOL. 34 NO. 7                                                                                  JULY 2023

      commissioner’s update                                                                                 Bill’s Box

      protecting and enhancing                           Management has deployed over 49 vessels, 110,000 tons   By Bill Thompson
                                                         of concrete, and 140,000 tons of limestone boulders to
      our Reefs                                          create artificial reefs.                             editor’s note: This
                                                           The artificial reefs become new substrate for coral   is an abbreviated column
      By Commissioner                                    settlement and diversify habitat in otherwise sandy areas.   due to unexpected time
      Maria Marino                                       Once established, they provide the same food, shelter,   demands. Bill will be back
        Within Palm Beach                                protection and marine life spawning areas as the natural reefs.  with more and different in
      County’s  47-mile Atlantic                           Both natural and artificial reefs support our local   the following month.
      coastline lies part of the                         economy, generating over $280 million per year and     My preaching about
      only living barrier coral reef                     supporting approximately 3,000 annual jobs.        certain ACC guidelines
      system in the continental                            Funding for PBC’s artificial reef program comes   and common area neglect
      United States. Florida’s                           from  vessel  registration fees,  grants from federal and   has resulted in some improvements but not enough. I guess,
      Coral Reef stretches 360                           state agencies, donations from fishing clubs, local dive   like some, if not most, preacher’s requested changes are often
      miles from the St. Lucie                           associations, corporations and individuals. Nonmonetary   ignored. The preacher did his job, but …
      Inlet south to the Dry                             support includes donated reef material such as concrete,     Vehicles and other materials are blocking sidewalks.
      Tortugas, formed thousands                         prefabricated modules, underwater art and ship hulls.  Jupiter Code Enforcement can warn or fine for Town and
      of years ago. The reefs are lush with coral and limestone,     This year’s artificial reef project plan involves a multi-  State ordinances and laws. An anonymous report to code
      shipwrecks, and a wide range of sea life. Because of our   partner effort. For instance, the Florida Department of   enforcement can be made by anyone. Ask not to be named
      close proximity to the warm waters of the Gulf Stream,   Transportation is donating material removed from the   so as not to lose a friend. Alternatively, a code enforcement
      Palm Beach County is home to one of the most diverse   Earman Canal bridge renovation project in North Palm   officer may be able to personally witness the infraction.
      marine ecosystems in the country.                  Beach to a reef project 75 feet offshore of South Palm     Parking in the grassy verge between sidewalk and street
        Natural reefs support aquatic plants and animals by   Beach.                                        is a blemish on the Shores’ upscale appearance. It looks as
      providing food and refuge for young marine life to develop.     One of PBC’s key artificial reef partners – the Andrew   if homeowners should be concerned. There is no restriction
      The reefs protect our coastline by absorbing wave energy.   “Red” Harris Foundation – will deploy three to four reefs   on street parking when necessary for a short while.
      As we enter another hurricane season, it is important to   in 70 to 80 feet of water offshore of Juno Beach. This     I did not study ministry and don’t like it. Peer pressure
      note that this absorption helps prevent loss of life, property   project will consist of at least 1,000 tons of limestone   would be more effective. Most caring homeowners take pride
      damage, and erosion, particularly in strong storm events.  boulders and 500 tons of concrete culverts. This material   in the appearances of their property in keeping with Shores
        For more than 40 years, Palm Beach County (PBC) has   – all donated – will be located near an existing artificial   guidelines and to maintain or increase property values in our
      worked to create artificial reefs using various materials   reef train in the Juno Beach permitted area.   fine “Village.”
      to give the public additional areas for fishing, diving     The artificial reef program is a prime example of Palm     That’s it. I am no longer a preacher.
      and  snorkeling,  and  to  protect  our  natural  reefs  from   Beach County’s commitment to stewardship of our natural     Final note: Remember the cartoon character Dudley Do
      overuse. The materials include limestone, concrete, and   resources by creating new habitat.          Right? Just do it!
      occasionally decommissioned ships that become marine     As always, please contact me if I can assist you at     Out of time and space.
      habitats. The Department of Environmental Resources   (561) 355-2201 or by email at
      tax talk

      Dear Friends:                                        • For those that prefer the indoors, why not visit the current   a little easier, our office is
        Well, the heat is on as                          exhibits at the Norton Museum of Art? For details, visit https://  pleased to offer a Welcome to
      we enter the height of the                                                 Palm Beach County Guide.
      summer weather here in South                         • For you water enthusiasts, there is swimming or surfing at   This comprehensive guide
      Florida. And while we all find                     our wonderful beaches or perhaps an island adventure at Peanut   includes everything from
      comfort inside with the air                        Island (  “how-tos”  for  updating  a
      conditioning blasting, there                       Island.aspx).                                     driver’s license and vehicle
      are some wonderful outdoor                           There is plenty more to do around our fantastic community,   registrations through the tax
      things to do this time of year,                    so I encourage you to visit   collector’s office, to signing up for Homestead Exemption,
      especially now that the tourist                    to find that perfect summer adventure.            important phone numbers, education options, and even fun facts
      season is over and those of us                       Enjoy your summer and have a great Fourth of July holiday!  about our county. If you have friends or family planning a move
      that are “year-rounders” can                                                        Anne M. Gannon,  to our county, an online version of the guide is available at www.
      enjoy lesser crowds. For instance, there’s nothing like an early            Constitutional Tax Collector,
      morning stroll on the beach to watch the sunrise or an opportunity          Serving Palm Beach County
      to head out west to the edge of the Everglades to watch a beautiful                                  Journey to Good health
      summertime sunset. There are many wonderful things to do in   introducing the Welcome
      Palm Beach County and here are a few ideas to get you started:                                         Employee health and wellness have remained a focus for
        • Enjoy the many activities at our Palm Beach County parks,   Guide                                me since being elected to office in 2006. The American Heart
      from camping, to playgrounds, and water activities – there is                                        Association previously awarded my agency the “Fit Friendly
      a variety of things to do. For more information, visit https://    When I first moved to Palm Beach County I remember how      intimidating it was to get settled into a new area. Since then,   Tax Talk on page 4
                                                                                 there has been immense growth
                                                                                 in our county. In 2022, more   RepoRt SuSpiciouS activity
                                                                                 than 13,000 people made the
                                                                                 move to Palm Beach County.               immediately
                                                                                 Settling into a new town comes     to the JupiteR police
                                                                                 with a lengthy to-do list of tasks       depaRtment
                                                                                 ranging from updating your             (561) 799-4445
                                                                                 driver’s license to registering to
                                                                                 vote. Knowing who to contact        Use 911 for emergencies only.
                                                                                 for each item can be a daunting   Lock car doors. Do not leave valuables in the car.
                                                                                 endeavor. To make the process

 Jupiter Senior Softball
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